Tuesday, 9 June 2015

What’s Your Integrity?

Increasingly, organizations are looking to hire not just employees having the right skills sets, right leadership potential and right capabilities, but also those who show high levels of integrity and commitment to the organization. Employee integrity has become a key phrase, as every organisation today realizes that no matter what potential an individual brings to the organisaiton, ultimately it is his conduct, his values and his approach that determines how much of that potential will benefit the organisation!

So….. that brings us to the crucial question: what is integrity? Everyone knows what integrity is; yet, no one can really define it precisely. Does it represent the value system of a person?Or his or her conduct? What about strength of character, is that also part of integrity? Surely, loyalty to the organisation should also be part of the definition of integrity? So many questions! So few answers, really. Let us try to understand what integrity is all about.

Where professional life is concerned, Integrity essentially looks at how committed you are to your work and your organisation. Of course,your ethical code of conduct, or the values you believe in, forms the foundation of your integrity. This ethical code helps form our work ethic, and decides with how much sincerity and honesty we approach our work.

Other aspects that are important in determining an employee’s integrity include:

Self Control
Having a theoretical code of ethics that one believes in is one thing; however, how much does one abide by it? Self-control looks at precisely this – it is about much responsibility and seriousness you show toward your work, how much ownership you take not just for your work but for your conduct at your workplace. Thus,behaving in ways that are consistent with your values is an important aspect of your integrity.

It is common knowledge that employees can and do engage incounter productive work behaviours. These include misusing official resources (be it stationery, electronics, vehicle, and most importantly, time!), spreading gossip about co-workers, superiors andthe organisation, spoiling the organisation’s image and so forth. A conscientious employee is one who refrains from engaging in such behaviours, and thus shows high integrity.

Finally, a loyal and committed employee is an organisation’s best brand ambassador. Thus, those who have a high sense of belongingness and connect with the organisation are the one who will remain loyal, who will stand by the organisation in good and bad times. Your sense of loyalty, how dependable you are forms an important aspect of your overall integrity.

So ……. While integrity is not easy to define or to measure, the above form the cornerstones of an individual’s integrity profile. Skills and competencies can be mastered with practice; integrity however, is very much a part of an individual’s internal sense of who he is and how he sees the world around him.Getting some sense of an individual’s integrity may well be worth the effort for every organisation who believes that human resource is invaluable to its functioning.

Samindara Hardikar-Sawant
Clinical Psychologist

Tuesday, 19 May 2015


Want to make a smooth college to career transition? Sharpen your vital competencies from now!

We have heard often enough how competitive today’s occupational world  is, and how tough it is to survive and thrive in this competition. True enough! Knowing this, is there something we can do right from our college days to get an edge over the others? Is there something specific that employers look for in their employees? Is there a set of competencies that can be useful to us regardless of which profession we opt for, and can these competencies be mastered?
Indeed there are certain career competencies that are extremely crucial . Competencies essentially refer to a collection of characteristics (i.e. skills, knowledge, self- concept, traits and motives), that enables us to be successful in our interactions with others at work, school, home, and in our community at large. They refer to knowledge, skills, and personal attributes required for outstanding performance in a job, role, or specific business. Career competencies, in specific, refer to those characteristics that employers seek in prospective employees. Some of the most crucial career competencies include:
  • Leadership
  • Communication Skills
  • Coping with change
  • Team Work
  • Professional/Technical Expertise
  • Information Technology
  • Motivation
  • Time Management
  • Interpersonal Relations
  • Stress Tolerance
  • Adaptability
  • Interpersonal Skills
While students are busy acquiring their degrees and getting mastery of their respective subject areas, they never pay attention to these other competencies that are so crucial in the work place. By focusing on them right from college days, knowing to what extent they possess these skills, knowing what areas they need to work on and develop,they can systematically start working on developing those that they are weak in. by doing this, they can put themselves ahead of the competition, and enhance their job prospects.
How can one develop career competencies?
There are many ways to develop career competencies right from student days.The first step is to recognize the need for doing so. Having done this, you can take up some of the following activities to build up their competencies:
  • Participate in group discussions with friends. Peers can learn a lot from each other. A few friends can get together and decide to work together at enhancing competencies. You can participate in discussions and debates on current issues. The way each individual participates in a group discussion is very indicative of his existing set of competencies. For instance, someone who has leadership qualities will usually take charge of the way the discussion proceeds and the direction it takes. Someone who has excellent communication skills can put forth his or her views in a very persuasive manner. The one with strong interpersonal skills will try and keep tempers cool and resolve any arguments or disagreements.
  • Become a member of student clubs/organizations: The various youth clubs or organizations provide an excellent opportunity for youngsters to explore their strengths and weaknesses. Many times, the clubs also organize workshops or training programs on topics like personality development, time management, self-discovery and self-growth. Such workshops can be the stepping-stones to further introspection and self-assessment.
  • Competency mapping or skills assessment: One of the best ways to know more about the various competencies and where one stands on them is to get a comprehensive psychometric assessment done. Such assessments are designed by experienced psychologists who have extensively studied human behaviour . There are many kinds of psychometric assessments available in the market, paper-pencil versions as well as online versions. Depending on what the test measures, you will be able to get a pretty good peek within yourself – your personality traits, your skill areas, your aptitudes, and so on.
  • Summer jobs: Working part time in the vacations or for some hours during the term would give you invaluable work experience, which can go a long way in your eventual professional success. It not only builds confidence and prepares you for your next role, but also introduces you to the various skills needed on-the-job.
  • Vocational subjects: Whenever possible, opt for vocational subjects offered in schools and colleges. Such technical/vocational programs provide you with in-depth career preparation in specific career areas.
  • Volunteer work: This is something very few students ever consider. However, working for some time at some NGOs or other such organizations that cater to the less fortunate can help build emotional maturity and resilience.
Thus,in today’s times, it is vital for you to gain some mastery over the basic career competencies if you are to make a smooth college to career transition. Developing your career competencies will not only provide you with an entry into the profession of your choice, a ‘foot in the door’ of sorts; but will also enable you to progress and advance in your chosen profession. It will eventually lead to job satisfaction.

Ms.Samindara Hardikar-Sawant
Clinical Psychologist

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Civil Services Exam 2015

Civil Services Exam Pattern Details: Union Public Service Commission’s (UPSC) Civil Services Exam pattern details are given below…

Exam Pattern Details: Civil Services Exam Consists of 2 Stages.
I. Preliminary Examination (Objective Type) 
II. Main Examination (Written and Interview)

I. Preliminary Examination: The Examination shall comprise two compulsory papers of 200 marks each.
(i) Both the question papers will be of the objective type (multiple choice questions).
(ii) The question papers will be set both in Hindi and English. However, questions relating to English Language Comprehension skills of Class X level will be tested through passages from English Language only without providing Hindi translation thereof in the question paper.
(iii) Each paper will be of two hours duration. Blind candidates will however; be allowed an extra time of twenty minutes at each paper

1. The questions on English Language Comprehension skills (of Class X level) contained in each set of Test Booklets of Paper-II are not to be attempted as these questions shall not be evaluated for gradation or merit. The Candidates are, therefore, advised not to attempt questions on English Language Comprehension skills for which Hindi translation has not been given in the respective Test Booklets of Paper-II.
2. The Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2014, shall thus comprise of two compulsory papers of which Paper-I will  be of 200 marks and Paper II will be of 200 marks minus the maximum marks allocated to the questions on English  Language Comprehension skills.
3. Final merit for qualifying the candidates for the Civil Services (Main) Written Examination will be drawn by using the aggregate marks obtained in Paper-I out of 200 marks and marks obtained in Paper-II out of 200 marks minus  the maximum marks allocated to the questions on English Language Comprehension skills (i.e. those questions in Paper-II for which Hindi translation has not been given).

II. Main Examination:
1. The written examination will consist of the following papers:

Qualifying Papers:

Paper- A: One of the Indian Language to be selected by the candidate from the Languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution).- 300 Marks

Paper‐ B: English- 300 Marks
To Read More http://careerpathways-india.blogspot.in/

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Diplomate of National Board Centralized Entrance Test 2015

DNB CET 2015 - National Board of Examinations (NBE) conducts Diplomate of National Board Centralized Entrance Test (DNB CET) twice a year for admission to various Post Graduate courses including Direct 6 year’s course in the specialty of Plastic-Surgery, Neuro-surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery and Pediatric Surgery. The holders of Board’s qualification awarded after an examination i.e. DNB are eligible to be considered for specialist’s post/faculty in any Hospital including a training/teaching institution on a teaching post/as a faculty member. Diplomate National Board qualifications are well recognized and accepted as high standard specialist qualifications.

DNB CET 2015 will be conducted twice a year. The first session is in January and the second session is in the month of July. Students can take the DNB CET 2015 entrance exam in any of the session as per their choice. 

The application process for January Session begins on September 9 and the last date of online registration is October 18, 2014. 
Commonly Known as: DNB CET

Exam Category: Post Graduate

Exam Level: National

Conducting Body:  National Board of Examinations (NBE)

USL shines on world stage at SHRM India HR Awards

The Society for Human Resource Management in India has recognized Unilever Sri Lanka’s HR team as the best in HR across South Asia and the Middle East (excluding India) at the recently held SHRM HR Awards 2014 held in Gurgaon, India.


Tuesday, 7 October 2014

All India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination – 2015

AIPGMEE 2015 - National Board of Examinations (NBE) will conduct AIPGMEE 2015 entrance examination for admission to 50% All India quota seats of MD/MS/ Diploma, in various Government medical colleges of India except PG Medical Colleges of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Jammu & Kashmir. According to officials, 9 states of India will participate in AIPGMEE 2015 for admission against MD/MS/Diploma in their respective Government Medical Colleges. 

NBE has been notified by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India to conduct AIPGMEE 2015. In AIPGMEE 2014, a total of 70,073 appeared and 30,495 candidates qualified to participate in online counseling for approx 5500  seats.
Commonly Known as: AIPGMEE 2015

Exam Category: Post Graduate

Exam Level: National

Conducting Body: National Board of Examinations (NBE)

AIPGMEE 2015 Eligibility: Important Highlights of AIPGMEE 2015 Eligibility Criteria are given below:
· Candidates who have MBBS degree/Provisional MBBS Pass Certificate from an Institute (except colleges/ universities located in Jammu & Kashmir and  Andhra Pradesh).
· MBBS degree/Provisional MBBS Pass Certificate must be recognized as per the criteria of Indian Medical Council Act.
· Candidates must have permanent or provisional registration certificate of MBBS qualification issued by the Medical Council of India / State Medical Council.
· Applicants of AIPGMEE 2015 must have completed one year of internship or likely to complete on or before March 31, 2015.

AIPGMEE 2015 Exam Pattern: AIPGMEE 2015 exam will be a computer based test as per the syllabus prescribed by Graduate Medical Education Regulations. The booklet of AIPGMEE 2015 exam will have questions from subjects taught during the MBBS course including pre-clinical, para-clinical and clinical. Read important points of AIPGMEE 2015 Exam Pattern given below:
· The examination will be held online on scheduled date in different sessions.
· AIPGMEE 2015 exam will have 300 Multiple Choices Questions (MCQ), with single correct response.
· Each question will have four (4) options and only one (1) will have correct   response.
· The exam will be conducted in English language.
· The weightage of MCQ’s in each specialty will vary and examination authority, NBE has right to alter/vary/amend the marks of the question.
· Negative marking: There will be no negative marking in AIPGMEE 2015. 

AIPGMEE 2015 Application Procedure: The application procedure of AIPGMEE 2015 will begin from August 29, 2015. Candidate must note that AIPGMEE 2015 application form must be submitted online. It must be noted that offline applications or printed copies will not be accepted.  The fee can be remitted through payment gateway provided using a Credit or Debit card issued by any banks in India. The Cost of AIPGMEE 2015 application fee is Rs. 3750 for General and/OBC Candidates and Rs.2750 for SC/ST/PWD candidates. 

AIPGMEE 2015 Important Dates: The AIPGMEE 2015 examination schedule is given below. This schedule is on the basis of AIPGMEE 2015 notification. 

Important Dates:

AIPGMEE 2015 Exam Events
Important Dates
Notification of AIPGMEE 2015
August 8, 2014
Online Registration for AIPGMEE 2015 
August 29 –  October 10, 2014
AIPGMEE 2015 Exam Date
December 1 – 6, 2014
Declaration of Results
On or Before January 15, 2015

AIPGMEE 2015 Admit Card: Candidates whose application will be accepted can download AIPGMEE 2015 admit card a week before the AIPGMEE 2015 exam. The admit will have the candidate’s detail like name, roll number, exam center, time and examination instructions.

AIPGMEE 2015 Result: The AIPGMEE 2015 result will be declared in last week of January 2015. The result of only qualified candidates will be declared. The qualifying mark is 50% for General candidates and 40 % in case of OBC/SC/ST category.
AIPGMEE 2015 Merit List: AIPGMEE 2015 merit list for All India 50% Quota will be based on the candidates score in the AIPGMEE 2015 entrance exam. AIPGMEE 2015 merit list will be prepared only for those candidates who will secure the qualifying marks in the entrance exam. The merit list of each category will consist of total of five times of number of seats available for allotment.

The minimum qualifying marks of AIPGMEE 2015 for different category are given below:

AIPGMEE 2015 Qualifying Score
Persons with Disability

AIPGMEE 2015 Selection Procedure: Candidates will be selected for 50% All India quota seats solely on the basis of rank in the AIPGMEE 2015 result. The AIPGMEE 2015 merit list will be prepared only for those candidates who will secure the qualifying marks in the entrance test. Allotment of 50% All India quota seats will be done through AIPGMEE 2015 online counselling.  

Diplomate of National Board Centralized Entrance Test 2015

DNB CET 2015 - National Board of Examinations (NBE) conducts Diplomate of National Board Centralized Entrance Test (DNB CET) twice a year for admission to various Post Graduate courses including Direct 6 year’s course in the specialty of Plastic-Surgery, Neuro-surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery and Pediatric Surgery. The holders of Board’s qualification awarded after an examination i.e. DNB are eligible to be considered for specialist’s post/faculty in any Hospital including a training/teaching institution on a teaching post/as a faculty member. Diplomate National Board qualifications are well recognized and accepted as high standard specialist qualifications.

DNB CET 2015 will be conducted twice a year. The first session is in January and the second session is in the month of July. Students can take the DNB CET 2015 entrance exam in any of the session as per their choice. 

The application process for January Session begins on September 9 and the last date of online registration is October 18, 2014. 
Commonly Known as: DNB CET

Exam Category: Post Graduate

Exam Level: National

Conducting Body:  National Board of Examinations (NBE)