Thursday, 10 October 2019
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Hiring Using Online Psychometric Tests
Unlike facets such as education, skills, experience, appearance and punctuality, behavioral traits and personality of a candidate can be much more difficult to assess during an interview. Hence, psychometric analyses help us gauge certain nuances of human behavior better and help profile traits and characteristics systematically.
Hiring managers today, rely more and more on psychometric tests which are online during their recruitment process to help give a better overall evaluation of a candidate and hopefully secure the best fit for the role. These tests also help gauge the future performance of a candidate and hopefully improve employee retention by making successful hiring decisions.
Here are a few factors that help understand why recruiters must use psychometric tests online in their recruiting.
1. Standardized Information
When candidates are assessed using standardized procedures, they are assessed using the same criteria and compared against reliable market standards. This makes up for neutrality to the process which is sometimes is falsified when sole internal processes are used. A comparison of candidates using various standardization procedures and valid psychometric assessment tools, helps design a complete profile of these individuals.
2. Valid of all Companies
Testing using psychometric measures not necessarily need to be reserved for larger corporations or organizations looking to recruit fresh graduates. Smaller organizations may use such tolls as well, as part of their overall recruitment strategies. It is important to make sure candidates are being tested for the right traits, small and medium organizations might not necessarily tailor tests quite as much as larger organizations. Rather, they can be used to give a more general idea of candidate’s’ abilities and personality.
3. Provides Overall Feedback
Considering recruitment, interviews are synonymous to getting to know the individual in person so as to decide if he fits the organization’s culture. However, it may not be the only time the candidate shows his best qualities. As personality is a subjective matter, candidates can be manipulative or may not be able to signal their strengths during pressurized interview setups. Psychometric assessments gives a benchmark where one can compare results against other candidates profiled for similar roles. Introducing such tests also provide to give recruiters that extra input, thereby creating a wholesome picture of the candidate in question.
4. Saves Time and Money
Recruiting new staff can take up a lot of valuable time and can also prove to be a costly affair, especially if the best talent isn’t found straight away. Psychometric assessments can save employers both time and money as they provide with effective filtering methods. Psychometric tests used early in the application process can quickly identify those people who will best fit your organization both through their abilities and their personality. In this way, psychometric assessments can contribute in more efficient ways of recruitment
5. Painting a True Picture of Candidates
Psychometric Test can give a very good picture of your candidates – they give an idea of the candidate’s personality, what makes them tick and how they prefer to work in given situations; how they work under pressure, for example, and how they work alone or as part of a team. The very nature of psychometric assessment is that they are difficult to game so the results you get from each test should be true results in that they show you what your candidates are really like in the workplace. This means that you will also know about not only their abilities but how well they are going to get along with other employees within your company.
6. Fair Testing – Nonjudgmental
Standardized approach to recruitment is the sole purpose of recruitment and it is fair for candidates because they go through exactly the same assessments process. Candidates who apply for your job roles might not be getting the same type of interview as the candidates who were interviewed the day before. Psychometric assessments also help candidates to better judge themselves. If you have found their personality really suits your company, however, you might be able to make use of the candidate’s new found strengths elsewhere in the company. In this way, psychometric assessments can be a win-win situation.
7. Flexibility of Usage
Another advantage of psychometric assessments for employers is that they can be slotted in at any time during the application process. Depending upon the size and nature of your organization, they can be used right at the beginning in the form of a fun questionnaire or at various times during the day at assessment centers. Some organizations even run two lots of psychometric assessments, at the beginning and the end of the process, just to compare the results and double check they are employing the right candidate.
8. Measuring Skills and Abilities, Not Just Education
Many organizations still place a lot of emphasis on academic achievement, as well as any previous work experience. This is valuable to a certain extent, however, psychometric assessments can be used to plug a gap in that academic achievements to give you a complete picture of what your candidates are actually capable of in the place of work. Again, on the other side, another advantage of psychometric assessments for employers is that it can reveal to you if a candidate is over qualified for the role they are applying for.
9. Psychometric Assessments and Work Culture
Recruitment is not just about hiring any candidate who has demonstrated they can do the job. Rather, this is obviously a key requirement, you also need to know how well the candidate will fit in with the rest of the team already working for you and how they will operate within your company’s culture. Someone who actually prefers to work alone in a quiet atmosphere, for example, is not going to feel fulfilled or work to their full potential if your company thrives in a fast moving environment which relies heavily on teamwork. Psychometric assessments can help do this both with the personality test and the other tests because you will get an idea of how that person works and what motivates them.
10. Consistency in Recruitment
The biggest advantage that psychometric assessments encourage is – consistency and standardization to hire new candidates. Every candidate is given exactly the same tests and recruiters can use this as a benchmark. Other sides of recruitment and your company’s application process are certainly valid, references are from outside your company and a candidate’s previous workplace might not have had the same values as your own workplace. The previous company might also have been looking for different requirements from their employee.
Monday, 10 December 2018
What’s Your Integrity?
Increasingly, organizations are looking to hire not just employees having the right skills sets, right leadership potential and right capabilities, but also those who show high levels of integrity and commitment to the organization. Employee integrity has become a key phrase, as every organization today realizes that no matter what potential an individual brings to the organization, ultimately it is his conduct, his values and his approach that determines how much of that potential will benefit the organization!
So, that brings us to the crucial question: what is integrity? Everyone knows what integrity is; yet, no one can really define it precisely. Does it represent the value system of a person? Or his or her conduct? What about strength of character, is that also part of integrity? Surely, loyalty to the organization should also be part of the definition of integrity? So many questions! So few answers, really. Let us try to understand what integrity is all about.
Where professional life is concerned, Integrity essentially looks at how committed you are to your work and your organization. Of course, your ethical code of conduct, or the values you believe in, forms the foundation of your integrity. This ethical code helps form our work ethic, and decides with how much sincerity and honesty we approach our work.
Other aspects that are important in determining an employee’s integrity include:
- Self-Control
Having a theoretical code of ethics that one believes in is one thing; however, how much does one abide by it? Self-control looks at precisely this – it is about much responsibility and seriousness you show toward your work, how much ownership you take not just for your work but for your conduct at your workplace. Thus, behaving in ways that are consistent with your values is an important aspect of your integrity.
- Conscientiousness
It is common knowledge that employees can and do engage in counterproductive work behaviors. These include misusing official resources (be it stationery, electronics, vehicle, and most importantly, time!), spreading gossip about co-workers, superiors and the organization, spoiling the organization’s image and so forth. A conscientious employee is one who refrains from engaging in such behaviors, and thus shows high integrity.
- Loyalty
Finally, a loyal and committed employee is an organization’s best brand ambassador. Thus, those who have a high sense of belongingness and connect with the organization are the one who will remain loyal, who will stand by the organization in good and bad times. Your sense of loyalty, how dependable you are forms an important aspect of your overall integrity.
So … While integrity is not easy to define or to measure, the above form the cornerstones of an individual’s integrity profile. Skills and competencies can be mastered with practice; integrity however, is very much a part of an individual’s internal sense of who he is and how he sees the world around him. Getting some sense of an individual’s integrity may well be worth the effort for every organization who believes that human resource is invaluable to its functioning.
Samindara Hardikar-Sawant
Clinical Psychologist,
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Is Your Mind Present While Making a Sales Deal?
Much has been said about the various skills and personality traits that a sales person needs to have – he needs to have excellent communication skills, should be persuasive, should have the ability to negotiate a deal…. The list is endless! Yet, a salesman (or woman) may have all these qualities, yet fail to make a mark with his potential customers if he doesn’t have that one vital quality – Presence of Mind!
To better understand the importance of having Presence of Mind, let us look at an example. You make a very convincing pitch to your customer, and have all but closed the deal. Suddenly, the customer asks you about the truth of a recent news that has been circulating about your organisation which isn’t very positive. The customer is waiting for your response. What do you do? Evade the question? Lie through your teeth? Stumble on your response? In such a scenario, it is your Presence of Mind that is going to come to your rescue!
So what is this elusive quality all about? Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? Common sense tells us that Presence of Mind simply means you have to be able to think on your feet, that you have to be able to come up with a relevant response when your customer throws you a googly. It is having enough mental agility to change course mid-journey, to address the unexpected when it comes up and do course correction without batting an eyelid. Indeed, for some of us who naturally possess this quality, this is simple enough. It is these people who can quip that when Life gives you lemons, make Lemonade! But for many of us, who tend to work within a given structure, the moment something out of the box is thrown to us, we tend to get flustered. So how do we learn to deal with such situations?
In order to become more adept at dealing with unexpected situations when making a sales call, it might be worthwhile to explore what this truly means. Presence of Mind, at its very basic level, essentially means being fully present to the moment. It means being completely tuned into your customer’s thought process, so that you anticipate the unexpected before it is uttered, or you are quickly able to relate to it from the customer’s point of view. If your Mind is fully Present in the situation, it will be easy for you to effortlessly go with the flow, address the unexpected that the situation throws up in an unfazed manner, and move on to successfully close the deal. You would have addressed your customer’s query without damaging your sales prospect and maintaining your integrity. This is what Presence of Mind is all about! It is not about lying to the customer, making excuses to wheedle out of the awkward situation or question, or ignoring it. It is about remaining in your integrity, addressing the issue tactfully and honestly and still being able to carry on with your deal.
To know more about where you stand on Presence of Mind and other Sales Skills, take our Sales Skills and Personality Profiler (SSaPP)!
Is Your Mind Present While Making a Sales Deal?
Thursday, 22 September 2016
3 Guidelines to Master the Art of Maintaining Relationships
The term, ‘Relationships’ refers not just to romantic relationships, but to all the relationships that we share, be it our parents, siblings, friends and children, relationships between bosses and employees, teachers and students, and anyone we interact with.
Relationships, simply mean any situation in our life that involves others.
Human beings live in a society and man is a social animal. Thus our happiness, self-esteem, and ability to work, is greatly influenced by the quality of our relationships, thus affecting our mental health itself. And it is these relationships which lead to problems and also maladjustment in our lives. It is important to realize that in order to change relationships in a positive manner, we can only change the way we relate to others. Only this will change the way others relate to us.
Your relationships will work best if you are able to be yourself within them. Relationships in which you can be yourself are likely to feel more comfortable and to make you happier. Some very good relationships can be provocative and challenging too. However this in no way means that one can throw tantrums or be rude to people as one wishes. Also, relationships tend to be unsatisfying when one is fulfilling a role rather than being oneself. It is important then to improve such relationships.
Your relationships will work best if you are able to be yourself within them. Relationships in which you can be yourself are likely to feel more comfortable and to make you happier. Some very good relationships can be provocative and challenging too. However this in no way means that one can throw tantrums or be rude to people as one wishes. Also, relationships tend to be unsatisfying when one is fulfilling a role rather than being oneself. It is important then to improve such relationships.
Three guidelines to help you improve your relationships:
- Work on changing yourself, not on changing others.
- Changes take time.
- Work with people as they are.
1: Work on changing yourself, not changing others.
The temptation, particularly if a relationship is stormy, is to insist to oneself and to others that it is not you that needs to change but the other person. Now it may be true that the other person could change but since you cannot change other people, it is not worth trying. The only way you can change another person is to change the way you relate to them. Working to change one’s self is always difficult. However, the changes you make will eventually bring in the necessary changes in others. Leave these changes up to them, and the relationship will feel better to you both.
2: Changes take time.
When you change the way in which you relate to others, they may resist that change and do things to make you change back. Making changes in relationships can take longer than making changes in yourself alone, and it requires persistence and sustained efforts over a period of time. Give change, time.
3: Work with people as they are.
Be realistic. If you find yourself thinking “If only he would tell me what he’s thinking” or “If only he didn’t criticise me so much”, remember that if you want to bring about some changes in those relationships you should put away these “if only” and accept people as they are. Once you start making changes in yourself, the other person is likely to begin to change.
To learn how to manage change in Life click here.
The importance of solitude
Although good relationships are valuable, don’t underestimate the importance of solitude;

Ms. Shital Ravi.
Senior Consulting Psychologist.
Psychometrica and Career Pathways
3 Guidelines to Master the Art of Maintaining Relationships
Thursday, 4 August 2016
Free Change Management Test
Do you know how to manage change effectively? Take our free change management test to find out which change management skills you need to develop.

Free Change Management Test

Free Change Management Test
Sunday, 24 July 2016
Understand and Learn to manage change...
“The only constant thing in life is change”.
This familiar quote sums up that nothing in life is static. Everything is in a state of constant flux and there’s nothing we can do to stop change. The whole world, countries, societies, companies and organizations must evolve and change to survive and so must every individual within them.
However the actual response to change and newness that occurs in the environment and the way one deals with its repercussions differ from individual to individual. Broadly, there seem to be three types of responses to change:
Resistance is one of the strongest reactions to change. However not all resistance to change is confrontational and direct. Resistance can also be passive in people who refuse to accept re-training or cannot accept new ideas and approaches. Extreme passive resistance can be seen in people who refuse to engage in any kind of dialogue with those who have proposed a change.
The individual who is indifferent to change, usually views change as something going on around them. The view of the indifferent person might be one of avoidance until some form of acceptance becomes absolutely necessary. The indifferent person often believes that his or her world will remain unchanged and that someone else will be affected or will do what is necessary. Apathy often accompanies this attitude to change with an “I can cope with it” mentality.
Openness and Receptivity:
These people are receptive to new ideas and prepared to embrace the reality of a situation recognizing what needs to be improved or done differently. It is not necessarily about the desire for change for its own sake. It is more of accepting the reality at a personal level.
Why do so many people respond so negatively to change?
In the short term, change can mean loss, discontinuity, and the destruction of a familiar and “safe” way of life…. “the good old days”. Basically change makes one leave their ‘comfort zone’ which many individuals find difficult to cope with. Consequently it can lead to feelings of insecurity, a lack of understanding, a lack of trust and fear of the outcome. And these perhaps are some of the key reasons that lead people to reject change.
However one must take into account and focus on the positive factors that change brings in. Positive elements of change can include the creation of a better set of circumstances, the fun of being involved in something different, the opportunities presented from a new venture or means of employment.
Since you can not avoid the stress of change and you do not want to isolate yourself from positive change, you must learn to control the way you respond to these new situations.
Some pointers you can adopt to minimize the impact of change:
- Recognize and accept your limits. Remember that everyone is unique and different.
- Become aware of your reactions to change and newness.
- Make plans, but “hold your plans loosely.” Develop plans, but know that they may have to be reworked or adapted to change.
- Take the long view; realize that change takes time and you should not force yourself to make it happen too quickly.
- Take conscious efforts to change your reaction to change. Cultivate a positive attitude towards change.
- Learn some relaxation techniques.
- Pay more attention to your diet.
- Include an exercise regime in your daily schedule.
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